A Speech by ACU First Vice Chairman Charlie Gerow - CPAC FL 2022
CPAC First Vice Chairman Charlie Gerow takes the stage at CPAC Florida 2022 to motivate average Americans to become actively involved in the conservative movement.
The need to take action to advance conservative values is becoming increasingly urgent as serious threats are emerging from around the world and even within our own country. Gerow feels very strongly about preserving America.
As a naturalized citizen, he knows the special opportunities the United States affords all people. Gerow was born into a southern Brazil slum, was given up by his mother, and then adopted by an American family. He found a home in America, and he even found great success, success he likely may not have acquired had he never come to the United States. He advocates for proper educating of American children on the history of their country precisely because he personally knows how great and unique the United States really is.
Gerow is proud to have chosen to be a citizen of what he calls “the greatest country in the world.” His background has informed his patriotism, deep love for liberty, and commitment to preserving the prosperity of the United States.