Ben Shapiro Panel - CPAC Israel 2022
Ben Shapiro and Israeli Journalist Amit Segal sit down for a conversation at CPAC Israel 2022. The two compare and contrast Israeli politics and American politics. Israeli politics show a greater unity. The Left just barely has a place in the Knesset. Instead, the diversity of the country is reflected in the spectrum of opinions and perspective within the conservative party. This unity is the fruit of twenty years of hard work by the Right in the country to convince the population to their side. Now, it is unthinkable that a significant portion of Israel would support pandering to Palestine. The United States, in contrast, is increasingly polarized along party lines. As the Democrat Party drifts further to the Marxist extreme, the mainstream Republican Party is adopting conservative principles. This realignment will determine United States-Israeli relations in the future. Shapiro predicts that the Republican will gain a larger base resulting from the radicalization of the Left and will strengthen the United States’ ties to its Middle East partner Israel.