Biden’s Breadlines - CPAC FL 2022
CPAC board member and former Representative Bob Beauprez moderates a panel at CPAC Florida 2022 with Larry Elder of The Larry Elder Show and Kevin Hassett, Former Senior Advisor to President Trump about economic policy. Inflation is the foremost issue on the minds of Americans as prices of every day goods rises out of their reach. The price of everything from cars to gas to milk is drastically increasing. Liberals like AOC is blaming the rising prices on supply chain issue, but Elder clarifies that it is really due to uncontrolled government spending and printing. Hassett points out that Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ initiative is not building anything and it is certainly not making anything better. It is only authorizing greater federal subsidies for worthless endeavors. The subsidies do not even bulk up the military at a time when foreign threats are on the rise. Elder states that Biden’s policies have all-around failed, tanking the economy and placing the world on the brink of all-out war. Biden radically reversed the supply-side economics of President Trump that increased wealth and decreased unemployment, including African American unemployment.