Common Values, Common Interests & Common Culture: How Conservative Latinos Will Influence the Future of American Politics - CPAC TX 2021
Adrienne Peña-Garza of the Hidalgo County Republican Party, Rick Figueroa of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, and Betty Cardenas of the Republican National Hispanic Assembly sit on a panel moderated by Mercedes Schlapp at CPAC Texas 2021 where they discuss the role of Hispanics in the Republican Party and their relationship with the Left. The panel suggests that Hispanics are shifting more and more toward the Right. The work of President Trump to uplift Hispanic communities, in conjunction with the Left’s appropriation of their culture, contributed to the change in Hispanics’ political allegiance. The panelists assert that Latinos are hard-working individuals who value their faith and families and the ability to support their families and find success without government hand-outs and charity. The panelists urge fellow Latinos to get involved in the political organizations in their communities and fight for their seat at the table.