Jim McLaughlin presents the CPAC 2018 straw poll sponsored by The Washington Times. Chris Dolan of The Washington Times explains the publication’s influence on policy and public perception of political happenings. In line with this record, they sponsor the CPAC 2018 straw poll, of which, McLaughlin offers analysis. Responses to the poll reveal that ninety-three percent of respondents approve of President Trump’s job. When asked about the president’s tweeting habits, forty percent wish he would tweet less and only thirty-five percent want him to tweet more. On the topic of immigration, seventy-five percent responded favorably to granting some immigrants amnesty in exchange for a border wall, ending chain migration, and other security measures. The majority of participants voiced support and the use of the nuclear option to appoint Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, but said they did not support use of the nuclear option for legislation. Seventy-five percent responded, in an overall optimistic trend, that they believe the country is on the right track. That is to say that President Trump has united conservatives in a historic fashion and led the country into an era of propserity.
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