I Escaped from Communist North Korea with Dan Schneider and Lee Hyun-Seung - CPAC FL 2022
Dan Schneider interviews Lee Hyun Seung, a survivor of the North Korean regime at CPAC Florida 2022. Seung shares his experience living under a Communist regime. Seung fled North Korea with his family in the pursuit of freedom. He detailed that the North Korean government monitors every citizens’ every move. It restricts travel and gatherings. It restricts speech so that speaking out against the regime warrants brutal generational punishment. Concerningly, South Korea’s government is shifting to a more socialist stance and just might devolve as Venezuela has. Seung spent time in South Korea and was disappointed to find a lack of outrage in South Korea for the human rights violations in China and North Korea. He hopes that Americans will see the plight of the North Korean people and be their champions for freedom.