It's Not About Us w/ @elaineebeck1 & @sebgorka
Sebastian Gorka, author of “The War for America’s Soul”, calls conservatives out of passivity into unabashed action with Elaine Beck at CPAC DC 2023 on It’s Not About Us.
“If you do nothing, you are creating a permissive environment for evil,” Gorka suggests. “So, step up. Get involved. Get engaged because you are part of the victory for the Big Guy.”
In his travels, Gorka has encountered the stories of many conservatives living in fear of oppression for the public pronouncement of their beliefs and working in hostile environments at organizations that support actions contrary to their beliefs. Gorka calls out these individuals for their passivity. The perspective of the Left on life, gender, the family, and more are far too dangerous and immoral for conservatives to sit idly by while these ideas gain traction.
For more visit, or find Elaine Beck on social media @ElaineEBeck.