Former Deputy National Security Advisor and CPAC board member, K.T. McFarland, shares her experience in the Mueller investigation in remarks at CPAC 2023. McFarland was relentlessly pursued by a corrupt FBI to admit to false charges. She was subjected to interrogation, manufactured statements attributed to her, and a string of subpeonas. The FBI and DOJ were so relentless, that McFarland recalled feeling tempted to admit to the false charges. Her husband, however, kept her strong, and she stood by the truth. Afterward, she made a retreat to a remote region of Scotland where she reflected on her experience. She realized that the country was in dire straits and the future of the country was at stake. More importantly, McFarland realized that the future of the country rests in the hands of average Americans challenging the ruling establishment in Washington, D.C. She promises to be one of the fiercest and most determined warriors, herself, in this fight.
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