CPAC board member and host of Liberty & Justice on CPAC Now, Matt Whitaker speaks at CPAC Hungary 2023 on the preservation of unique, local culture. Hungary has preserved its own unique, local culture in an exemplary way, and they have done so in the face of opposition from the rest of globalist Europe. The same globalist Left is applying the same pressure to the United States in “fundamentally attempting change our way of life.” They are trying to centralize authority in the federal government, strip states of their sovereignty, and reduce the entire nation’s sovereignty with open borders. Socially, they are demonizing Western traditions and principles while trying to replace them with woke principles of transgenderism, globalism, and socialism in a culture of conformity and compliance that supports corporate greed. Whitaker calls for conservatives to be counter-cultural, to stand out from the crowd of liberals, and to continue to be examples of the truth, beauty, and effectiveness of traditional values.
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