Matthew Tyrmand - CPAC Hungary 2022
Matthew Tyrmand’s father watched the United States shift toward communism, and he shares his father’s story at CPAC Hungary 2022. Tyrmand’s father was a twentieth-century Polish refugee to the United States. He made a name for himself as an intellectual writing and speaking in condemnation of communism. He received praise from the most elite intellectual circles until the 1960s when communism became fashionable in scholarly circles in the United States. Tyrmand’s father then became the subject of scorn for his disdain for communism. Nonetheless, he continued to articulate the truth of that ideology under the firm belief that Western Civilization is worth preserving. The younger Tyrmand carries on his father’s work today through his speech at CPAC Hungary, work at Project Veritas, and otherwise use of alternative channels that will allow free expression of thought and the condemnation of communism and the regimes of Russia and China.