Patryk Jaki - CPAC Hungary 2022
Patryk Jaki uncovers the underlying motivation of the Left’s hostility to Christianity in his address at CPAC Hungary 2022. Jaki argues that the Left draws from Machiavelli’s criticism of Christ as a rival to the earthly leader. In eliminating God, the Left eliminates competition for the citizen’s attention, loyalty, and admiration. The Left instead reduces life to the tangible things of temporal pleasure and the nation-state. Traditional family, religion, and values occupy the space in a man’s attention that Marxists wish the state to occupy. As such, Marxists disintegrate organized religion, promote moral relativity, and try to replace man’s reliance on God with reliance on the government. Jaki encourages conservative to be counter-cultural and embrace those things that the Left hates for the sake of saving Western Civilization from collapse.