Protecting Elections Part 3: The Left Pulled the Strings, Covered It Up, & Even Admits It - CPAC FL 2021
Former Representative and Fox News Contributor Jason Chaffetz speaks on election integrity at CPAC Florida 2021. The modern Left has twisted the meaning of ‘liberal’ from free and tolerant into restrictive and oppressive. The H.R. 1 bill is an aspect of the Left’s oppressive and restrictive vision of a one-party system. The bill changes election laws allowing for mass mail-in and absentee ballots and ballot harvesting, transfers the power of redistricting to unelected committees, prevents voter roll maintenance, endorses censorship of political dialogue, and politicizes the IRS among a laundry list of other infringements on election integrity. Republicans need to fight these measures by starting on the local level, talking to their County Commissioners and demanding voter ID requirements and clean voter rolls.