Roger Williams - CPAC TX 2021
Texas Representative Roger Williams speaks at CPAC Texas 2021 on the basis of conservative policymaking in Congress. Williams cites Scripture as his primary source of inspiration and guidance in his role as a Congressman. He admires the founding fathers’ respect for the Word of God and commissioned a painting of the Battle of Valley Forge with George Washington’s armour depicted as a passage from Ephesians to commemorate America’s Christian foundation. The ongoing culture war is modern America’s Valley Forge, Williams says. Cancel culture, the unsecured border, the disarming of America, the federalization of the government, and the perversion of genders and sexuality are assaults from the Left on the integrity of American culture and the sovereignty of the United States that the upcoming generations of conservatives are called to combat. Williams advises them to draw hope and courage as he does from Scripture and the American heroes of the past.