Senator John Kennedy of Louisiana delivers remarks at CPAC 2023 meant to inspire patriotism in conservatives. He touches on a variety of topics from abortion to the federal deficit. He calls for a renewal of truth at the cost of hatred from others and skewers the Left for twisting the truth of life, science, faith, and the exceptionalism of the United States. The Left additionally denies the reality that the Trump administration successfully cut taxes, increased wages, decreased unemployment, controlled inflation, protected life, secured the border, defeated terrorists, and revitalized the military. Instead, the Left continues to promote the false reality that destroys life in abortion, mutilates and manipulates children, weakens national security, violates the constitutional rights of Americans to free speech, freedom of religion, and self-defense, and disrespects the sacrifices of those who fought for the United States to enjoy the freedom and prosperity it does today. Kennedy ends with a look to the future and the promise that it can be better than the past and present with sacrifices and hard-fought battles.
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