Terry Schilling, Executive Director of the American Principle Project, speaks at CPAC Hungary 2023 against the Left’s attacks on children and the nuclear family. He issues a determined cry to resist indoctrination via social media and the education system, the dismantling of the traditional family unit with a mother and a father, the mutilation and sexualization of children for the sake of transgenderism, and the religion of environmentalism. The Left is seeking to invert the family structure by inserting the government and corporations into the unit as the providing figures instead of the parents. They are working to eliminate from the family morality, religion, and genuine love and selflessness, which are fundamental tenets of the family unit. Schilling praises Hungary for their work to fight the Left’s agenda and encourage the traditional family and children, and he urges Americans to follow their example. “We are not cogs in your machine. We are the children of a loving and powerful Father, and we are willing to meet Him before ever caving to your evil agenda,” Schilling declared.
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