The Desecrators: A discussion with Mercedes Schlapp, Matt Schlapp, and Deal Hudson - CPAC FL 2022
Mercedes Schlapp moderates a conversation between CPAC Chairman Matt Schlapp and Deal Hudson of The Christian Review. The Schlapps and Hudson together authored a book exposing the Left’s destruction of American history and Western culture. The trio are fighting cancel culture to preserve liberty and the founding principles of America. Hudson calls cancel culture “an attack on the very foundations of what we believe in and what guides our life and what really guided our founding fathers.” Conservatives are representing, in a way, the founders of the United States as they perpetuate the principles expressed in the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Schlapp said the book brought clarity to him in a time when he was angry about the state of the country, and he felt that he was doing a service to the future of America by contributing to the book.