Senior Counsel at America First Legal Foundation Julie Strauss Levin moderates a panel with CPAC Japan Chairman Jay Aeba, Director General at Centre for Fundamental Rights Miklos Szantho, and Founder and Director of CPAC Australia Andrew Cooper. The panelists discuss how CPAC empowered the conservative movements in their home countries. Szantho speaks for Hungary, saying that CPAC has kept their fire for freedom and their culture alive and well. According to Aeba, in Japan, CPAC stands emboldens the country to be a light for liberty in Asia and stand strong against the threats from China. Japan has found a friend in the United States through CPAC’s tying together of both country’s conservative movements. Together, they have bravely stood up to the tyranny of China in Hong Kong at the risk of their lives and the cost of one Hong Kong freedom fighter being arrested and his home firebombed. In Australia, CPAC again empowered the conservative movement to voice their beliefs publicly and unabashedly in the face of opposition from a member of Parliament who tried to ban the conference from taking place in Australia. The panelists testify to the uniting power of CPAC of conservative movements around the globe.
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