President of Judicial Watch Tom Fitton speaks at CPAC 2018 addressing the corruption of the Washington, D.C. establishment. Judicial Watch has probed into the Clinton campaign’s nefarious activity with foreign entities and the FBI and has found enough material to lawfully convict Hillary Clinton of criminal charges. The FBI has turned attention away from the real corruption and towards fabricated accusations of Russian collusion leveled at the Trump administration. The dossier of the Mueller investigation is clearly fiction crafted to due to lack of factual evidence to incriminate President Trump. The FBI and DOJ, and their teams comprised exclusively of Democrat operatives without a single Republican in sight, are working hard to either find or manufacture incriminating evidence precisely because they lack it. Fitton urges Trump to go on a “transparency tear” and Attorney General Jeff Session to un-recuse himself from the investigation and retake control of the DOJ. Judicial Watch, meanwhile, is the justice watchdog, holding the FBI, DOJ, and corrupt Democrats accountable to the American public.
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