Tough Love: An Assessment of the Republican Party - CPAC TX 2021
CEO of Chickasaw Community Bank T.W. Shannon, Former White House Senior Advisor Katrina Pierson, and Bubba Saulsbury of Saulsbury Industries sit on a panel at CPAC Texas 2021 moderated by Founder of Tea Party Patriots Jenny Beth Martin. The panelists put forth five major means of increasing Republican cultural influence and election victories. Saulsbury raises the issue of fundraising, suggesting that Republicans have a lot of work to do to step up their fundraising just to match that of the Democrats. Fundraising is vital for raising awareness of Republican candidates and promoting their platforms. Election integrity measures are another necessary mean to buoying Republicans to more victories and combatting the fraud from the Democrats. Shannon also urges the American people to hold candidates and elected officials accountable for their policies and promises to force a crop of better quality candidates to emerge. The panelists demand that Republicans quit playing defense and grab control of campaign narratives. Mainstream media has long controlled the images of Republican candidates, leaving Republicans to play defense. The panelists see the need for Republicans to turn the tables on this arrangement and start playing offensive public relations. Lastly, the panelists emphasize the need for involvement. They note that the establishment needs to be more welcoming of newcomers and that more people should feel compelled to run for office or volunteer with their local Republican organization. Martin presses that even running for small offices at the local level can make an immense difference in shifting the culture for the better.