Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivers the keynote speech at CPAC Hungary 2023. Orbán welcomes CPAC with open arms to his country after facing endless backlash from the European Left for his country’s conservative culture and laws. Indeed, Orbán shares how Hungary is vastly different than the reputation and political allegiance of prominent Hungarian George Soros. While Soros funds liberal political activism and financially facilitated the flooding of the Balkans with illegal immigrants and human smuggling, the real Hungary supports the family, defends life, and is fighting to maintain its sovereignty and control of its borders. Hungary is committed to being counter-cultural to the globalist culture, or “anti-nation virus” as Orbán describes it, with which, the European Union wishes to infect them. Instead, Hungary advocates energy independence from Russia, the preservation of life and the traditional family unit, individuality, the free practice of religion, and respect for the unique cultures and histories of each European nation. The so-called “Hungarian Experiment” that commenced as the country changed from a liberal to a conservative government in 2010, according to Orbán, with its increased birth rates, intact family units, strong national identity, high employment rates, and effective tax rates, is “a testament to the fact that it is only conservative politics that can help remedy after liberals, Leftists, have destroyed a country.” Orbán warns, however, that conservatives are not on the offensive in Europe and the United States. They are on the defensive, only reacting to the attacks from the Left. Thus, he encourages conservatives to turn the tables and take back the historical centers of Western culture and democracy from the Leftists of Brussels and Washington, D.C.
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