Former Deputy National Security Advisor under President Trump, K.T. McFarland, and CPAC Board member Gordon Chang sit down at CPAC Florida to address American national security in light of the Russia-Ukraine war and recent hostile moves from China.
McFarland explains how Russia needs high oil prices to continue their war with Ukraine. Russia relies on their oil exports and Biden’s low energy policies enable Putin’s exporting industry. President Trump, however, imitated President Reagan’s policies of cutting the price of oil in half, which Russia’s economy and inhibited their military exploits. McFarland reveals that Putin’s graduate school dissertation outlined his plans to make Russia great again primarily through the energy industry by building pipelines, removing the oil industry from the hands of the oligarchs, exporting energy to Europe, and using the revenue to build up the Russian regime.
Though Europe and the United States have issued sanctions on Russian energy exports, putting a pause on Russian revenue from oil and natural gas, China has come to Russia’s rescue. The two entered agreements for China to become a new major purchaser of Russia’s energy exports. China, meanwhile, is making moves on Taiwan, presenting a threat to the United States military hold on the Pacific. Chang explains that Taiwan is also desirable for its chip industry, through which, China could impose a chokehold on American society and technology.
McFarland notes that energy policy is the most effective way America can impede Russia’s agenda. Chang suggests that trade and manufacturing is the way to hurt China. McFarland echoes this and emphasizes the importance of reviving American technology at home. Both believe that Reagan’s foreign policies and energy policies left a blueprint that is still relevant and effective today for addressing these issues.